Thursday, November 20, 2014

See Through the Tattoo

Tattoos lately have become a popular form of expression, anything from pictures of people’s favorite celebrities to meaningful dates and scripted quotes. Each one tells a story, and is a reminder to someone of a specific moment they felt passionate enough about something to make it a permanent part of them. While I myself could never get a tattoo, I think they’re absolutely fascinating. Not only can the questions “What does your tattoo mean?” or “Why did you get your tattoo?” be great conversation starters, but they can also be highly informative in getting to know a person’s true self.

This four-letter tattoo argues the pure bravery, strength, and resilience of this person, and that which they’re determined to achieve and sustain; sisu. At first glance not many would notice this tattoo, much less understand the significance of “sisu.” I know I didn’t. Upon looking up the word’s meaning, I learned that there really isn’t a sufficient translation in other languages for this Finnish term. The meaning is, in a way, left up for interpretation. I think this speaks volumes to the meaning of this photo as well as the argument of strength and determination it attempts, and in my opinion succeeds, to make.

A key aspect of this photograph lies in the location of the tattoo. “Sisu” is on the bicep portion of the arm which, when the arm is at rest, is hidden. Having the tattoo in such a hidden spot gives the tattoo a more personal feel. The fact that the word is exposed shows the person’s vulnerability in the moment of the photo, whether they acknowledge it or not. They are allowing the opportunity for the meaning to be shown; for a part of themselves to be exposed; for their meaning to be shared with the world.  Although the main portion of the photograph is focused on the flexing arm to display strength, the real strength comes from the meaning of “sisu” and the figure not shown on camera.  

This picture does not merely share the story of this individual's personal courage, as important as that is, but rather argues that others should follow the meaning of “sisu;” to have the confidence to be courageous and strong throughout any adversity they face. This picture is a reminder to others they’re not alone in their struggles, and invites them to change their lives for the better. Live bravely. Live strongly. Live resiliently.  

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