Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blonde and Ginger Stereotyping

Pardon me, sir, but can I help you in any way? Ah, I see I have startled you. Do not be scared by my blonde hair: I am an intellectual. I noticed that you were distracted by something; more than merely distracted, in fact you appeared to be infatuated with what you were looking at, and because I am both a blonde and an intellectual, I thought I might offer you my services.

How did I know you were in need of my help? No, it was not that you were staring aimlessly around the room trying to avoid anyone seeing where your gaze led; many people do that, particularly the blonde women when their brains cease to work for a time. No, it was your bright red cheeks to match your tomatoey hair that divulged your thoughts. I do not mean this as an insult, for I see you as a ginger, but merely as an observation.

You appear to be disgusted; I have offended you indeed, as your cheeks grow to become the shade of  a ripe bruise, and cause your freckles to disappear. But please believe me I do not discriminate against people with red hair; I am not blind to how it feels to be stereotyped. When I hear of a blonde friend being called a slut or dumb, solely because of her hair color, I instantly feel hurt as well. I take every opportunity to vomit my intelligence to the world, at least as far as my supposed acorn mind will allow me.

Where was I? Oh yes, your infatuation. Would you like me to call that man over here? Oh, are you afraid of your telling cheeks? Do you fear he will see you as soulless? Do not fret, he is in my class here at Dartmouth. I shall tell him you're a catch. Have I been too forward? It is because you and I appear to be on the same level of stereotyping that I am comfortable speaking so openly about this topic. Your face flames are dying down. I have talked too much and have no noticed he is approaching. I shall collect my thoughts and you your soul. Although, I should hope you can talk without blushing for your sake friend!





Music Education Should Be Required for Adolescents

String Season

According to researcher Carlos R. Abril, in 2003 a great number of Americans believed the arts were an essential part to the curriculum, they're constantly the first programs eliminated from schools if there is a budget cut. Music education is a very difficult program to support because the instruments, equipment, teachers, and lessons are expensive. While I do understand that many areas cannot afford to keep music education for this reason, I feel many people fail to see the long-term value in these programs. They've actually been found to improve academics, self-esteem, cooperation, and various other qualities. 

Wiki Spaces

Increases Literacy
One of the main qualities that adolescents gain by taking music classes is literacy. Learning music, regardless if it's the Suzuki, Orff, Kodály, or Dalcroze method, helps children develop speaking and reading skills they'll use as they continue through their education sequence. Music teachers, such as Allison Garner and the author of "Elementary Music Teacher Blog" use books, poems, stories, and songs to increase literacy through their music. The author of "Elementary Music Teacher Blog" says that she uses books to better the children's vocabularies, help them to hear fluent readers and voice inflections. They will take these qualities of literacy with them throughout their schooling and entire lives.
McKenna Family Chiropractic

Strengthens Brain
Many people don't realize that it's possible to train the brain, just as one can train their body from lifting weights (Nutt). By practicing music, kids become diligent and improve their work ethic. This transfers over to their activities both inside and outside of school that are non-music related. The volunteers of DoSomething.org say in their article "11 Facts About Music Education" that there's an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate in schools who have music programs. This is much greater than the 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance at schools without music programs. On top of that, to counter any of you people out there that may believe the humanities and arts are useless to you, the volunteers found that the humanities and arts actually have a correlation with high incomes!

Japan Times

Helps All Children (healthy, disabled, sick)
Music has shown to be beneficial to all children, whether they're healthy, disabled, or sick. Teaching music to children helps to improve their motor skills, which all children must develop. According to Amy Ellis Nutt's article in The Washington Post about music's effect on behavior, music also helps children mature emotionally and physically. You've heard the benefits for healthy children, but what about those who have disabilities or are disabled? Can music help them you ask? Well, the answer is often yes! Shinichi Suzuki     the man who developed the Suzuki method of teaching music      wrote of a little girl with infantile paralysis, who achieved function of her right hand and uncrossed her right eye as a result of praciting "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the violin!

Reading Rainbow

Children enjoy the classes!
I've known many people who have taken music classes, such as those of Kindermusik, when they were younger. For my research paper, I interviewed one of my friends, Caroline, who is now a Music Education major. She took Kindermusik classes when she was a little tyke and said they were "a significant and pivotal aspect of [her] development as a child." The classes taught her basic musical concepts, but also taught her to be comfortable with herself and others, which helped her when she began school. Music classes encourage children to be creative and confident with themselves, while providing a "friendly, fun environment" as Caroline said. 

In short, why wouldn't we want our children to strengthen their brains and become more literate? why wouldn't we want them to believe in themselves and their abilities? Why wouldn't we have music education as a requirement?

The answer? We should.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Your College Friends Teach You That Your Parents Can't

Picture Correct
At the end of every high schooler's experience, there comes a time to reflect on your last four years. Obviously there's no requirement to wait until you're a senior to become reflective, but I would argue that whether you loved or hated high school, everyone has a little bit of nostalgia within them when it comes to the final weeks of that chapter of your life. Although I have already graduated high school and have merely cracked open the book to my new story at Augustana, I'm already taking note of the life lessons I've learned here so far, particularly from my friends. While they are outwardly very obvious statements, and ones that my parents have told me millions of times as I've grown up, they are concepts that I will evaluate in a new light (hopefully), and ones that I did not wholeheartedly understand until I met my close friends here.

Debate ≠ Argument  
The environment of a college classroom thrives on discussion. I'm a thinker. I'm a talker, so this environment works for me. I learned very quickly that there is a huge difference between debating and actual arguments, while also noticing that not everyone around me had the same understanding of the difference between these two forms of discussion. At home, your family knows what you're saying and how you're meaning it, at college, no one knows you like your parents do. It is very important in a college environment to make note of your tone of voice used when addressing certain situations because in an instant saying, "I don't know" in response to someone asking what the homework was turns into "I don't care what you have to say stop talking to me." It was evident even during our Foundations' class's debates about The Inheritors, or abortion, that people were misunderstanding each other and how they were saying things. Just because someone disagrees with a point you make, doesn't mean they dislike you as a person, nor does it mean that they're questioning your character. They are merely disagreeing with your position, and that's okay.

You need to learn to be lonely.
When you're little your parents try to teach you to socialize with others. They scold you for having phones at the dinner table or texting instead of acknowledging the people who are physically around you. Regardless, in Palatine (my hometown), everyone is constantly on their phones or computers. Many of the schools in my old high school district actually have implemented iPads as parts of our education system. Everyone in the school has them, but almost no one uses them for their educational purposes. We are truly obsessed with constant communication, just as the society in Super Sad True Love Story. The idea of always being in touch with other people is not such a foreign concept to me. However, when I came to college, one of my friends from Palatine and I had a rude awakening. The people we became friends with thought it was weird to be on a phone constantly. This rose the question, how much are you actually experiencing college if you're always in an electronic world? In college, you have to learn to be "lonely" (without your phone) to get things done and experience the world around you!

Not everyone comes from the same social class.
Growing up my parents always told me "There will always be someone richer than you, and someone poorer than you." This is a phrase many of us have probably heard, but not many often think about. In college you're thrown into an environment of people who could be making impulse shopping trips weekly, or people struggling to pay their own tuition. I am very fortunate to have never known struggle, come from a financially stable family, and live in a financially stable area, but I now recognize there are people I directly interact with that live a life I will never understand. It's difficult to know people are struggling right next to you and you can't help them, but it's a lesson of great importance. Learn to understand that your value of a dollar may not nearly be as great as the person sitting next to you.

Everyone doesn't look at life through the same lens.
My dad used to say, "My mother was raised Lutheran. My father was raised Christian. I was raised pedestrian." Some people are optimistic. Some people are existential thinkers. Some people believe there is no god. Some people can't decide what they want for breakfast that day. Ultimately, everyone has a different perspective on the world and the life that we all share here. As we said last week in Foundations, you may know your best friend like the back of your hand, but there are parts of their life you were not there for, and areas of their mind you will never have access to. You don't know what everyone is thinking, therefore you have to accept your differences and find people who will compliment your individuality with their own.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dear Diary, I Googled Myself Today

January 18

Dear Diary,

I Googled myself today for a college assignment about E-dentity. We're supposed to do some research and talk about the results of our online expedition. We have to define some aspect of our e-dentity, explain with evidence, assess what we find, what we like or don't like about our e-dentity, and what we learn about ourselves in the process when we think critically about it. So, I put my best efforts into the search and here's what I've found.

I'm social, but strangely kept private. When searching my name on Google you can find some information, like my Google plus account and Facebook posts I've been tagged in, but it seems like something is missing. In essence it's similar to Super Sad True Love Story. Everything about a person's life is shown on their äppärät, but when people talk to each other face to face or "verbal," people are not so open about themselves or their lives. The information you find about me tells you some of my inside thoughts I'm willing to share with the world. It gives you an idea of my sense of humor, which I've realized, is only funny to me. It shows you I'm involved in music but it doesn't tell you to what extent. In a way, I'm kind of ambiguous. I'm that outline of a figure that hasn't been shaded in yet to people who look me up online. Really, I'm just someone you don't know, and someone you can't get to know by just looking at on the internet. 

One of the Vines I reposted via Vine

( To look at the rest of Audial Sunshine and Vocal Jazz's videos from last year you can go to my channel! )

My ambiguity and lack of entertaining pictures or information was quite surprising to me. I thought I was going to be much more interesting than I was! However, I realized that I do have a lot of my primary social media restricted from public viewing. My Facebook is a place where people can get quite a lot of information about me from, but it doesn't even come up in a search on Google because I have it secured. Someone would only be able to find it if they dug deep into the "Audial Sunshine" Facebook page that I'm tagged in. But, once they get there, they'll be stuck outside my precious Facebook, staring at two pictures of my friends and me, documenting how much I enjoy living my real life, with my REAL identity, outside of the internet. I am a person who is unbelievably willing to share my inner thoughts and quirks about me to people who know me or who are willing to speak to me, but to strangers on the internet, not so much. 

In searching myself on Google someone could definitely be under the impression that I'm very concerned with the aesthetic parts of life; I care a lot about how I look to the outside world, but I seem like a very free person at the same time. If you look at my Pinterest, all of my pins have to do with appearance, except for maybe the food one. As a result, someone could assume that I'm a very self conscious person, I'd even say you could be right with that assumption; however, if you look at my Twitter or my Youtube you can see that I'm a pretty free, happy person as well. All of my Youtube videos are from the a Capella singing groups I've been in, and my tweets and retweets consist of a lot of song lyrics, pictures, random things that come to my mind, and photos of dogs. I adore dogs. 

While I think that my e-dentity only scratches the surface of who I really am, I like that I seem to be a very social person. I appear to have a lot of friends that I spend time with and that I have a lot to do with music. I don't have any incriminating photos or information that's public, but I do think if you analyze my social media a bit, you can begin to understand who I am a bit better. I may tweet something seemingly unimportant like the tweet below, 

but did you ever ask yourself why someone likes dogs as much as they do? or why they would tweet something about majoring in chocolate? It could be that they don't like feeling alone, and dogs are the epitome of comfort and friendship. It could be because that person is having a crisis about what they can major in and do with their life. When you dig a little deeper into those "random" posts, they aren't so random, are they?

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Five Faces of Oppression: Why Taylor Swift Should Go Out of Style

US Magazine

Today in the music industry there are countless artists both male and female, with work consisting of songs about anything from love to shootings to singing about a dog. Each person has their own taste in music, however a common occurrence I notice when people talk about music they say which genres they like, and automatically criticize the types of music they don't like. While many people may criticize rap music for notoriously being vulgar, degrading towards women, and violent, I feel we should take a closer look at the music that is popular alongside this supposedly preposterous genre of music.

Taylor Swift is an apparent role model for female youth. She has won over 300 awards for her music which is primarily about her feelings toward past relationships and guys she's dated. Much of the female population enjoys her music because she characteristically represents that men are the enemy or the cause of a lot of female pain, which is quite often the way young women feel. However, by using this appeal to sell her albums, she is also displaying the five faces of oppression Young discusses in her article. 

Exploitation and Powerlessness- Swift's songs characteristically talk about her past relationships, sometimes even including the real name of one of her exes. She includes specific details from the relationships like times and experiences to write her songs, and although these details make the songs personal and help the audience relate to her, they exploit the men she's dated in the process. Chances are Taylor did not check with these men to see if it was okay to expose these details to a world-wide audience, nor did she allow any of them the opportunity to tell their side of the story, leaving them powerless. While they're not in a relationship anymore, there is some form of confidentiality to be upheld, as many of the guys are famous, just as Swift is. In a sense she is being extremely immature in publicly trashing these guys with her songs. It's a subtle way of destroying their reputations and status with the public. As a result, they are left powerless because any response on their part would be viewed negatively.

Marginalization and Violence - Not only does Taylor Swift tend to exploit the men she's dated, she generalizes her experiences to all men. This is her way of making the songs relatable and marketable, however it marginalizes the male population as a whole, while sometimes even getting violent. In her most recent hit "Blank Space" she has lines saying, "You look like my next mistake," "Boys only want love if it's torture," and refers to guys as "players." Even in her older song "Picture to Burn" she says she'll tell all of her exes friends he's gay to get revenge for cheating on her. These examples of verbal violence and marginalization of men show she is degrading men just as much as male music artists degrade women, just in a less vulgar manner. 

Cultural Imperialism - This leaves us with cultural imperialism. How could sweet little Taylor Swift's songs be displaying this form of oppression you ask? Let me ask you this. How is it appropriate culturally to teach girls such a strong double standard? That it's not okay for guys to sing/rap about the female body and sex, which are both natural parts of existence, because they're degrading women, yet it's okay for females to sing about how terrible guys are and that there are no worthwhile men in the world. Even though there is no single person that is the oppressor, Taylor Swift songs are an example of an oppressor. She writes as the epitome of the sweet, angelic little girl who can do no wrong.  How is it fair that she is teaching the younger generations of females that men are nothing but heartbreak and hurt, when we ourselves break their hearts as well?